Sunday, July 8, 2007

Jasper to Vancouver

What a nightmare - the train was 9 hours late. Apparently the weather was too hot, so a goods train jumped tracks as the iron tracks expanded in the heat and delayed other trains. So my train was 9 hours late arriving Jasper station. Instead of leaving Jasper at 3.30pm, we left at 11.30pm. And there was a medical emergency, somebody had heart problem, and they had to send an ambulance to send her to the Banff hospital in the middle of the night. Interesting events.

The good bit that came from this is that, instead of going through Fraser Valley at night, we went through it in the morning. Great scenery. Had many pics of valleys and mountain rivers, tunnels and Hell's Gate.

Took the bus from Vancouver to Vancouver Island. City called Victoria. Arrived at 9.30pm. So after 36 hours out and about, zonked out and slept for 12 hours.

Victoria is a pretty little town. Pop 70,000. Did walkabout in town in the afternoon.

8th July: Walked in Chinatown, street stalls, parade and theater in the park. Went for Harbour cruise. Took the public bus to Butchart Gardens. Amazing place. Love the flowers and stuff there. Had pizza for dinner:)


Foodies said...

You have cross the whole Canada now .... oh wow .... really love to some of the scenery pix ...

Chun Lim & Sook Fun said...

You will probably missed all the nice sceneries if not for the train delay. So we should look at things positively because everything that happened to us has it's cause and reason.